Upgrading our Energy System: Smart Systems and Flexibility Plan.

Plan is in response to evidence submitted by the AECB and over 200 other responses.

You may recall that we submitted evidence to the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy at the beginning of this year. Recently, BEIS Secretary of State Greg Clark announced the publication of Upgrading our energy system: a smart systems and flexibility plan. This Plan is the response to the Call for Evidence on a Smart, Flexible Energy System which Greg Clark also launched in November, informed by over 200 responses.

This publication sets out the specific actions BEIS, Ofgem and others will take to realise a smart, flexible energy system that could save GB consumers up to £40bn to 2050, and create vital jobs and growth. Some 29 actions cover the ground set out in our Call for Evidence, grouped into three themes: removing barriers to smart technologies; smart homes and businesses; and markets which work for flexibility.