New research posts in Oxford Brookes University – Closing Date – 17th June 2019


We are pleased to announce two new full-time research posts based in the OISD Low Carbon Building Research (LCBR) Group at the School of Architecture in Oxford Brookes University (Oxford, UK). The LCBR Group at Oxford Brookes University has a strong international reputation in the field of carbon mapping (RIBA award-winning DECoRuM model), building performance evaluation and smart local energy systems

The Research posts are part of the EPSRC funded Energy Revolutions Research Consortium (EnergyRev) and Innovate UK funded Local Energy Oxfordshire (LEO) projects.

  • With a grant funding of £8 million, EnergyRev project is designed to evaluate smart local energy systems, undertaking analysis and evaluation, building and driving best practice and, leading knowledge exchange through national and international engagement with policy, academic and industrial communities. LCBR group is involved in work streams on user engagement and facilitating scale-up of smart local energy systems through new tools and frameworks.
  • With a grant funding of £13.8 million, Project LEO will demonstrate a transformative, integrated smart local energy system that trials and validates new business models and approaches that intelligently link supply, storage and demand patterns across power, heating and transport. LCBR group is involved in the work stream on setting up processes to monitor, collect, store and assess information regarding energy services and user involvement underpinned by spatial mapping and temporal data.

For further information about  the two posts, please visit –

 Closing date is 17 June 2019