Zero Carbon Hub – Performance Gap – Evidence Review Report

The Zero Carbon Hub has released its latest report continuing the work on the Design versus As-Built Performance Gap project.  This report provides industry and Government with a structured review of the evidence of where and how the Performance Gap occurs within the current build process.  This latest report follows on from the Interim Report published July 2013 Closing the Gap Between Design and As-Built Performance – Interim Report

The Performance gap can arise in a number of ways within the overall house-building process and, if significant and widespread, represents a major risk to government, industry and consumers and may lead to increased costs to the occupant. Tackling this issue therefore continues to be a significant and serious factor as the Hub develops the Zero Carbon Definition.  The report identifies 15 issues that require solutions in the very near future, by industry and where necessary involving government intervention. These are the issues where strong evidence was found and are categorised as a ‘Priority for Action’.


A further 17 issues were identified as ‘Priority for Research’. These issues are suspected of having a medium-to-high impact on the Performance Gap, but further evidence is required to establish the extent of the problem.  The Hub will now continue to move the project forward, with a final report being prepared for summer 2014.  To download the full Evidence Report click here